Welcome to MGM Study Center

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Welcome to MGM Study Center

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Welcome to MGM Study Center

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Welcome to MGM Study Center

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Welcome To MGM Study Center

MGM Study Center offers classes for Malayalam, Dance, Piano, Guitar, Violin, Music, Public Speaking, and Basketball.

Classes are held every Sunday – 3.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. at P.S. #29, 47 Croydon Rd, Yonkers, NY 10710.

  • All Classes are instructed by experienced and talented teachers.
  • MGM provides benefits to the Indian community in the New York region.
  • Our strategy is to help Indian kids raised in America to experience the culture and civilization of India.

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  • 3.00 PM – 4.00 PM
    Location - | Instructor - Leelamma

    Malayalam is a complex language predominantly spoken in Kerala. The script consists of up to 578 characters and the language contains various intonation patterns and vocabulary.

  • Location - | Instructor - Dr. Johny Kovoor

    Basketball is a popular sport played by two teams of five players each. This basketball session will provide your child with extensive training and vigorous, yet enjoyable physical activity. Not only will he/she become physically fit, but your child will return home energized and wanting to play more.

    4.00 PM – 7.00 PM
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    Location - | Instructor - Jobson Kottapurath

    Public speech training helps you to communicate privately or in public with confidence. The training will boost your writing skills, critical evaluation skills, and will extirpate stage fright. By the completion of 200 hours (Level 10), you will be an eloquent speaker who can captivate the audience. During each level of training, the trainee has to attend 20hrs of class. For Promotion, he/she will have to score a minimum of A- grade in each level. Training is available in both English and Malayalam according to the request of trainees.

  • Location - | Instructor - Daniel

    Notation reading and play-by-ear methods are used in the teaching of rock, classical, folk and country styles. Old and contemporary songs are taught.

    4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

I use to be a student of Piano, Basket Ball, Speech and Malayalam. The teachers are dedicated to improve your talents. After two years of Basket Ball classes, I was given the opportunity to volunteer as an Assistant Coach for Basket Ball at MGM Study Center and it has allowed me to learn valuable leadership and communication skills.

MGM Study Center

Devin John


I enjoyed the adult music class. MGM gave me the opportunity to be a student of authentic Carnatic music teacher with doctorate in music. MGM helped to fulfill my childhood passion for music.

MGM Study Center

Regi Jacob